
Damn Roman Blinds

I have found true joy in making things for other people. If you value our friendship, you will never (and I mean in a million years) ask me to make roman shades for your house.

Our office has been completed for a year or so now, but lacked some window treatments. Being on the computer between the hours of 10am to 3pm was a battle with the sun. Glare on a computer screen is an instant headache for me.

Not wanting floor length drapes, I priced out some roman shades and cringed at the over $300 price tag. I love all the windows in our house, but I don't think there is a single standard size throughout. I decided that making them myself would be an easy money saving idea.

I hated every single minute of it.

There are only two good things about this project.
1. Cost - $75
2. They are done

Here's the before.

And the after.

Ignore the need for ironing. I'll get to it eventually. I was too eager to get them up and admire my handiwork.

In retrospect, $300 is pocket change compared to the frustrations. Don't be discouraged by my negativity though. I've heard that there are easy versions out there. Personally, I won't be googling 'roman blind tutorial' for a llloooooonng time.

WARNING: The rest of this post is a complete jab at my mother.

In my childhood home we had a beautiful sun room. Notice anything wrong with this picture?

That's right. She needed to complete 10 roman blinds and fell one short. My dad, brother and I used to tease her relentlessly about this.

Mom, this is my sincere apology and I honor you for mastering 9 of them.


Boy Turkey Onesie

Here is a more boyish turkey onesie. A bow above the eyes though and this could waiver towards the fairer sex. 

  • brown onesie or t-shirt
  • array of colors for the feathers
  • white and black for the eyes
  • red and orange for the beak and red dangling thingy (I googled this and it's called a wattle, but I like my description better)
  • fusible web

Trace your cutouts for all the pieces onto the fusible web and match them with your desired fabric.

Iron the pieces onto the fusible web and cut them out.

Iron them onto the onesie.

If so desired, hand stitch around the feathers for the cuteness factor.

Repeat on the front.


Girl Turkey Onesie

Skeptics may say there's no such thing as a cute turkey. Clearly they haven't seen this gal. 

  • white onesie or t-shirt 
  • six fabrics for feathers
  • brown fabric for body
  • white and orange fabric for eyes and beak
  • buttons and ribbon if you so desire
  • fusible web

Make a pattern. I used the top and bottom of a cup for the body and just free handed the feathers.

Trace the pieces onto the fusible web. Cut 'em out.

Iron the pieces onto the back of your designated fabrics (note the word 'back' - I may or may not have done it the wrong way once... or twice). The eyes nor the beak made it into this photo, but don't leave them out of the party.

Lay it all out and admire the adorableness. I appointed buttons for the eyes, but black fabric would work as well.

Once the layout is perfected, iron on the feathers.

I chose to hand sew around the edges, but feel free to use a sewing machine if that is more time efficient. I kind of like the hand made look.

Repeat the ironing and stitching for the body.

Add your eyes and beak, stitch those guys into place. This turkey lurkey is for a girl so I decided to throw on a little bow.

Easy peasy. Slip into a tutu with some tights and you have a solid looking outfit.